Education and Progress 2nd part
Our second analysis is about The Republic of Finland first of all we want to mention the fact that the economy has a per capita output equal to that of other European economies such as France, Germany, Belgium, or the UK. The largest sector of the economy is services at 66%, followed by manufacturing and refining at 31%. Primary production is 2.9% and the key economic sector is manufacturing.
Education is arranged at municipal level. Even though many or most schools were started as private schools, today only around 3 percent of students are enrolled in private schools.
In 2005, Finland had the fourth most scientific publications per capita of the OECD countries
In addition, 38 percent of Finland population has a university or college degree, which is among the highest percentages in the world.
A case that is a reference in international education and an interesting point in an educational system is the proposal of how to measure the level of teachers with a simple and informal strategy and finally the measurement of the entire system.
In the early 90s, this country decides to change the school inspection system, and currently evaluations are conducted at each school and based on conversations between teachers and board of directors.
According to analysts of the OECD this model "is based on trust and adapting to context" however they say there is no model that serves as a reference for everyone.
Thus, with a reference of success stories in the field of economy and at the same time the application of educational systems in different cultural contexts we finally find that the results of state policies are based on the same principle: educated people are successful people.
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