Pray For Paris
Once again a tragedy returns to the international stage, terrorist attacks in Paris perpetrated by the Islamic state, also known as ISIS, with the result of 130 victims including 17 victims of other nations around the world, these attacks occur after several days of bombings of Western countries including France, resulting in the death of senior commanders of the Islamic state, finding these attacks as a response in the French capital. As a result of these events the French President Francois Hollande declared in his initial message the emergency situation that has not happened since 1958 and involves militarization in France.
First of all, why the use of violence? , according to the academic and analyst Mauricio Meschoulam , "Violence is used as a tool to send messages and raise issues on the agenda just as they now are rising in all kinds of media. With the purpose of impact on opinions and/or conduct of third parties ...” They range from journalists, politicians and audiences who witness these events images.
Although France is not the only country to have participated in the attacks on the Islamic state wonder What moves or motivates the Islamic state to attack right now to France?, what put first the city of Paris in the target list of the Islamic state ? And it is in this country that has the largest number of Islamic immigrants with not very good working conditions and development prospects and that could be one reason why it is not difficult to find young people who enlist in the ranks of organizations that promise a better life, identity and protection.
Finally a particular religion is not a determinant to develop violent behavior, opportunities for radical groups are not wasted and if you add that historically the cultural misunderstandings between the Western and Arab world has been a constant, changes in government and the reorganization of nations in this region of the world are factors to consider the way to address the medium and long term solution, not only more attacks and territorial defense strategies by Western coalitions.
Barnard, A. J. (15 de November de 2015). The New York Times. Obtenido de
Meschoulam, M. (08 de January de 2015).
El Universal. Obtenido de